What is a Computer virus ? How can it damage Computer?

It attaches itself to legitimate programs and files, and when these infected files are executed, the virus is activated and can carry out its harmful functions. Viruses can be spread through various means, such as infected email attachments, malicious websites, or infected removable media like USB drives.

Here are some ways in which a computer virus can damage a computer:

Data Corruption:

Viruses can corrupt or destroy data on a computer's hard drive. This can lead to loss of important files, documents, and other data.

System Instability:

Some viruses interfere with the normal functioning of the operating system, causing the computer to become unstable or crash frequently.

Unauthorized Access:

Certain viruses are designed to create backdoors or vulnerabilities in a system, allowing remote attackers to gain unauthorized access to the infected computer. This can lead to privacy breaches and compromise sensitive information.

Performance Issues:

Viruses can consume system resources, causing the computer to slow down significantly. This can result in reduced performance and overall productivity.

Network Disruption:

Viruses may be programmed to spread across a network, disrupting communication and causing issues for other connected devices.

Financial Loss:

In some cases, viruses are designed to engage in fraudulent activities, such as stealing financial information or conducting unauthorized transactions, leading to financial losses for the user.

Identity Theft:

Certain viruses are created to capture personal information, such as usernames, passwords, and credit card details. To protect against computer viruses, it's essential to use reputable antivirus software, keep operating systems and software up to date with security patches, be cautious when opening email attachments or clicking on links, and avoid downloading files from untrustworthy sources. Regularly backing up important data is also a good practice to mitigate the impact of potential virus attacks.

Explain different causes of computer virus:

Computer viruses are malicious programs designed to infect and spread across computer systems. They can cause various types of damage, including data loss, system instability, and unauthorized access. The causes of computer viruses are diverse, and they often exploit vulnerabilities in software, human behavior, or network security.

Here are some common causes of computer viruses:

Malicious Downloads and Email Attachments:

Users may unknowingly download infected files from the internet, especially from untrustworthy websites. Email attachments from unknown or suspicious sources can contain viruses, and opening them may trigger the infection.

Infected Removable Media:

USB drives, external hard disks, and other removable media can carry viruses from one computer to another if infected files are transferred between devices.

Software Vulnerabilities:

Exploiting vulnerabilities in operating systems, applications, or software is a common way for viruses to gain access to a computer. Developers release patches and updates to fix such vulnerabilities, but users who do not update their software are at risk.

Drive-by Downloads:

Visiting compromised or malicious websites can result in the automatic download and installation of viruses without the user's knowledge.

Social Engineering:

Cybercriminals use social engineering techniques to trick users into performing actions that compromise their security, such as clicking on malicious links or downloading infected files.

Pirated Software and Cracks:

Illegitimate copies of software often contain hidden viruses. Users who download and install pirated software or use cracks to bypass license restrictions may inadvertently introduce malware to their systems.

Inadequate Security Software:

Not having or not updating antivirus and anti-malware software can leave a computer vulnerable to virus infections.

Network Vulnerabilities:

Weaknesses in network security, such as unsecured Wi-Fi networks or outdated router firmware, can be exploited by viruses to spread across a network.

Human Behavior:

Users who engage in risky online behavior, such as clicking on pop-up ads, visiting suspicious websites, or downloading files from untrustworthy sources, increase the likelihood of virus infections.

Email and Social Media Threats:

Phishing emails and social engineering attacks through platforms like social media can trick users into revealing sensitive information or downloading malicious content.

Zero-Day Exploits:

Attackers may exploit vulnerabilities in software or systems before the developers have had a chance to release a patch or fix, making it challenging to defend against such attacks. Protecting against computer viruses involves a combination of user awareness, regular software updates, the use of reputable security software, and responsible online behavior.

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